Happy Chinese New Year everybody!!!!!!!!
Hehehe...Thankx pd sape2 yg wish kat aku...Even x celebrate...tp aku ttp p beraya dan kumpul ang pow....Lovely!
Here's the thing that I wanna share about today....
Sometimes i just wondered when i saw my bf messed up by me during my ’menstrual time’. Wondered he will sing this song by himself when he cried by himself at night when I said lets breakup dude! Hehe I knew that sometimes I’m being harsh and ghost to him. It’s not my
fault. Its my hormone……poor him..=p
”Kau membuat ku berantakan,
Kau membuat ku tak karuan,
Kau membuat ku tak berdaya,
Kau menolak ku acuhkan dirimu,
Bagaiaman caranya untuk
Meruntuhkan keras nya hati ku
Ku sedari Ku tak sempurna
Ku tak seperti yang kau inginkan”.....
I need to control myself.....to avoid any circumstances happen between us...ryte??? hehe
"So sorry dude...ops...abe...=p"
Di kala kawan2 aku berhitam dan berpanas lg berpening kepala time L.I aku begitu senang hati utk post blog about my practical...
Planning punya planning x jadi....
Apa nk jadi...
Hallo everybodi......
Ingatkan nk p KK this 4 days holiday...
Pas2 x jd...Cause my mom ckp nk g Miri...
Tau2 ari ni x jd lg...
ish...susah2 btul...
apa nk jd ntah la...
Welll.......nmpak nya trpksa la berhari cuti d umah sj....
Tgk movie...Bc Sin Chan...
I wish I can be in KL, Miri, or KK now....
Bosang doh.......
semua org dah buat entry pasal praktikal...
aku yg mempunyai masa lapang yg banyak ni blom lg tertulis2...

untuk selingan gambar2 yg ada dlm pendrive aku....

When I said I like Silver then you have to buy that colour k! It's an order..=p

*sob sob sob*
My parent’s birthday
Well… special 4 my parent’s birthday that was on 15th and 17th January..( Birthday dorang selang sehari sj…ngeh2) I ber mood plak nk tulis sumtin dkt blog nih. First2 ari khamis aku nk bli kek 4 y bapak. Then my sis yg kerja dkt kk said no need la. Celebrate together ngn dia ari sabtu. So…mcm biasa ktaorg just sediakan telur merah and mee sedap je la.. hehe
Then, ari Sabtu yang di tunggu telah tiba. Kakak aku kat kk balik.( bkl mertua dia anto). Dia bwk kek secret recipe. Nyummy gilerrrr..... dhla dia beli choc indulgence kegemaran aku...waaa... Rs nk lagi weh... hehehe
X byk amik gamba coz guna camera my sis. Dia mrh aku amik gambo guna hp. X standard dia ckp. Hampehsss btul.. its ok then...
Nyummy...(zera...mimie...help..cna nk kurus??)
Program diet ku akan di sambung kemudian...sekian..=p
How to solve nafsu makan yang meluap2?Please....hehehhe tunjuk kan aku ke jln yang benar....=p
Back to the past story=p
Buat teman2 tersayang…cha, zera, yun, nik, yuyu dan sekelas ah. Korang suma mesti still ingat time public cpeaking kat dpn. Mdm Ainol gv us a instant topic and we speak about that ryte? Hehe.. My topic at that time “The most embarrassing moment in my life” *sigh*.
Today I got that scenario.
It happen when I on my way to work ( industrial training okeh). Open the car door, then my father asked me. “Cukup duitnya king?” “Aok”. I step outside the car and in the same time I answered it. When I step one more step outside, my kain baju kurung hooked at the seat adjustment. I could not control my weight, my height, and my everything at that time.
Buuuukkkkk…. Ops terjatuh la plak. Wahh..Luckily at that time only security guard (adalah belas2 org) in front of me tgh dgr ceramah pg, and few people lah. Huhu seriously malu. Then.. my kain baju kurung yang stubborn x mau lepas ni makes me hangin btol. Tarik2 x dpt. Hehe… dhla byk kereta behind us at that time. Naseb baek suma org fhm. Xdela yg main honk. Hehe
Malu siott…..then try to be cool. People look at me like they tahan nafas. ( tahan ketawa) Huhu… what is the date of today? Then, finally I got my most embarrassing moment.
But my incident is not the first time. Before this my bro, n my sis also terkena dengan seat adjustment my father. Isk…menyusahkan btol!...Jangan beli kereta waja ye…Hehe
ha....2la waja silver yg buat aku kedebuk dpn or...grrrrrrrr=p
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About Me
- Ms Coci~
- Limbang, Sarawak, Malaysia
- Love to be a story teller to everybody which consist of myself, me time, me work, me shopping, me feelings and me craziest moment. It was all over here and enjoy it!~~ I can barely keep still the excitement of people surrounding me...
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