Assalamualaikum semua..
Since dah lama tak tulis blog..sambil membuang masa kat tempat service kete, baik aku g tulis sikit. A little bit review for Kia car service. Please don't expect me to write a car review..
I bought my new baby Kia Sportage kat Kia Chan Sow Lin ni.. Mula2 beli dapat salesman tak brapa nak manis mulut.. We have to ask anything that we want to know. Well bukan ke salesman ni mulut manis mcm gula? Hehe Dahla mmg x pakar bab kete.. Beli baby Kia sbb bonet dia cantik je kot? Hehe
And my spare key also I haven' t received yet. Ade ke beli kete baru pastu kunci spare da abis bateri?
Mula2 nk frust jgak ngn Kia ni.. Nasib baik babg Kia x meragam.. Hopefully forever kan baby..
Sekarang da wat first service.. Register 15 Ogos 2013. Ari ni baru 26 Ogos da wat first service. Nak wat cana.. Laki aku semangat nk bw kete bru balik kampung..
Oh, da lari topik. Bukan nak cite byk pon.. just tempat service dia wat aku x nk blk ofis.. Wifi ade, TV ade, refreshment area ade, majalah ade.. Senang la aku nk g download2, channel tv main sukati tukar..air hot choc pon ade.. haha
Tak ramai yg service weekdays.. tula pasal kot..
My first service byr RM239++.. Free balancing and allignment. And free cuci kete..
Sebab aku penah teman member g service kete kt BMW.. rasanya xde la bes mcm ni sangat.. Sukati je kan komplen..
Been trying to upload some pictures here.. tapi mcm susah jerk.. nnt la kat lptop..
So, lepas ni service ke 10,000km plak..
Thanks Kia Chan Sow Lin..
First time jumpa tempat yg blh membuatkan aku mls pegi keje..
Please don't blame the brand.. blame the people who running the brand.
Lesson learnt.
Salam semua.
Wahh.. Banyak sawang!
Finally.. I managed to write 2013 entry for the first time today.
Current status?
Healthy. Married. Non-Parent yet. Alhamdulillah.
2013 dah nak abis. Tu la pasal wishlist ni haruslah di extend ke 2014.
My wishlist for 2013 & 2014
1. Nak kereta baru! Sori Viva. I will love you forever. But I need to move ~
2. Nak pegi holiday as much as I can! Yes. Indeed. I just realize that I don't go anyway far from Malaysia. Sad!
3. Nak pegi Umrah! Yes.. Go with Mama.
4. Having baby? Well.. Erm.. Lets say tunggu je la.. Ada rezeki ade la..
5. Having fun as much as I can!
Basically the idea of writing a blog today came out after listening to the radio and the topic was; What will you do or what will you achieve in this world when you know you're going die at age 70?
Gosh! That was a very serious topic! I was.. Hurmm.. Ok.. I think I'm just wasting my time everyday. Repeating a same, boring, dull and sad routine of life!
Ok..Now.. Let's saving.. And go around the world! Let's have fun while you're still having a chance to do so!
Dear God, please give me a strength to save money.. No more MK handbag, no more fancy and expensive restaurants. No more wasting money ok!
Wrapping up my current and end 2012 activities.
Kot-kot korang dah lupa muka Puan Koci yang kiut comel ni kan..
Well..End of 2012 tak banyak yang jadi. Husband da balik ke pangkuan after struggling at Sabah for the past few months.
Went to my BFF's wedding. 2 actually. Sorang kat Muar, sorng kat Rembau.
Tak jauh dari KL, haruslah pergi kan..Lagipon hubby ada boleh buli jd driver =)
We are still trying to conceive a baby. Still trying. At least I know hubby is not the one who stressing me out with the 'baby' topic. We're tried to think positive whenever the issues pop out from other people mouth.
In my heart there's a hope to be a successful engineer in this MRT project. But if I get pregnant soon, I was worried I can't focus in this job anymore. I'm the one who can live with 1 work in 1 time.
Hurm. God please lead me the way.
We are the planner but God is the one who will make decision for us.
Till then..Will continue later. Hope everyone have a nice day today =)
My first entry for 2013. Alhamdulillah..Tergerak hati nak tulis blog ari ni..
Location: Cochrane Station MRT site
Tergerak ati nak tulis pon sebab tengok gamba2 @UmieAida kat Instanbul.
Dia sangat2 pretty okeh..
So, pas tengok gamba dia baru terdetik nak wat azam 2013 ni..Azam ni dari zaman 90-an lagi..Tapi tak tercapai2..Sob sob
One of the aim for 2013 is;
Damn. Serius.. Kna disiplin. Encik somi da belikan machine kuruskan badan.. Kuang3x..
Jom tengok gamba Umie Aida nih.. Jeles mak.. Serius!
Soooo pretty! Jeles..
Jom usaha. Yeay!
Credit picture to & Datin Paduka Umi Aida.. Pinjam sattt...
Click for more info~
About Me
- Ms Coci~
- Limbang, Sarawak, Malaysia
- Love to be a story teller to everybody which consist of myself, me time, me work, me shopping, me feelings and me craziest moment. It was all over here and enjoy it!~~ I can barely keep still the excitement of people surrounding me...
MyBlog List
Kuih Cincin Restock!11 years ago
Kuih Cincin online13 years ago