Ok...so now i am going to update my blog just because i'm really bored in my room alone...
huh...(full n heavy sigh)
Where is the hell of my friends? Of course they are busy... One of my roomate going to perform at the graduation day.. Other one of course dating and the last one i just sent her back to her house..
Erm... Its ok..At least i can spare my time alone here..sleep all the time.. hehehe
Ok so now i am going to introduce myself. Its just me that start all over with this blog without introduce myself. Am i right?
First i wanna show my family picture. Taken from Cameron Highland last year.
Where i am? of course at the middle. OMG i'm the biggest in my family. really sad. and now i have to workhard to slim my body!yeah.. my youngest sister in front of me. and the rest is my siblings.
Because of i dun have any idea to add on here.. i just tell you about my holiday to Kota Kinabalu last month. It was very intresting to go there at that time because it was Tadao Kaamatan festival there.!! you know what is it? you don't know is it? its ok.. Let's check it out...;Going to RTM at the first day to visit my dad's fren. So hot there...errrrrrr...
Who is this?hehehe this is my youngest sista.. So cute. People said that my face similar to her.. Am i??dun noe..lalalala
Oh...what this?Erm.. My mom said on the first night we at the Promenade.. Let celebrate all the daughter's birthday that birth on june and july. Poor my yougest sista..she is not included..hahaha.. This is my mom favourite cake. Yam Ice cream Cake. Nyummmmm... That night everybody take a picture with the cake before cut and singing..weeeeeee
That second night we went to waterfront.. sigtseeing beside visit my sister's family in law in the future restaurant. huh.. got free food yeah..!~~ and this is one of the traditional dancing for Sabah. It was called as Minangkabau maybe? erm...I think so..This was my favourite part.. Ehm.. That man with fire at his hand. He put something like kerosene or maybe petrol or maybe benzene inside his mouth before he put fire on inside his mouth..!!~ Yerak.. How he can stand the fire inside his mouth without burning? I think he is a good born.. hehehe.. Anyway that night i am ready stand beside the fire extinguisher. (Aiyoyoyo manyak takut kalau dia terbakar kita pon sama..) Am i right?
Yeah... So proud to be there..huhuhu..long chicken hair (my sista said) i can't stand the hot long day so we stop at the mcD and there you can see i hold the drink..hehehe.. we have a good time there.. This is at the centre of KK where the festival were held..
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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