Hari ni ari Khamis...
N just now i just finished a foundation test....Ermmmm
quite ok n also difficult...dunno wat to explain that actually...
My frens ( leader is Aqilah) tgh buat 1 plan yang mana during this final exam (maybe 1st paper) we all kna pkai baju kurung sekolah...Yeah* hihi..
Can you imagine how does it look alike?
xtau cana rupa dia...mostly my frens xde lagi baju kurung skolah 2...so d the leader take an action!
xtau dia nk settle cana...ngeeeee~~~
Later i will update picture for that ahh...i dunno whether the plan will be real or not...
watch n waitin yah...
Cite sedey plak...
x lama lg....nk bpisah ngn kengkawan dh...pas ni kna g l.i plak
pas2 msuk ke zaman org tua....hihi
Time study bole la tdo ble2...
time da keja?no more time for that...is it?
Will be miss my frens...my study life..( if i smbung master pon x tentu jumpa kwn2 bes mcm skrg)hurm....dah bp kali ngeluh ni?
So i upload some pictures...opss.. nerd pictures taken with my frens..hihi
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
1 Drag some ideas:
siney gmbar kiatk tok?..haha
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