Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru!
Well…Esok 29hb Dic 2008. Tahun baru/ Awal Muharram/ Hari Maal HIjrah untuk umat Islam. So bercakap melayu la for this post..
Muharram ni is the first montn of the Islamic Calendar.. Kalau ikut calendar biasa lg 3 ari nk smbut New Year.. Tp office-office semua still holiday ryte? That’s mean Malaysia menyambut tahun baru bagi calendar Islam esok…
Ermm….tengok2 apa yang telah terjadi sepanjang tahun 2008. Tak banyak yang berlaku sebabb busy melayan final year project, assignment, project bergunung, dan jumpa supervisor. Huhu…Finally dah abis semua-semua cabaran study. Tak sangka bulan Ogos ni… InsyaAllah akan grad. Happy nya..Tak sabar nak menunggu saat itu..nak jumpa ngan kengkawan kuuu….Pi Pi deawwwww…
Klu di tgk2 spjg 2008, kisah study ku la yg banyak. Sampi kan x mampu di hingat. *sigh* Kisah Cinta pon moderate sj..naik turun..Erm..Hopefully tahun 2009 akan merubah hidup ku...Graduate, dapat keje mudah2 an....kawin?not yet...lama lg...
Hrp2 ada kwn aku yg nak kawen...bole tumpang sekaki nasi minyak..hihi...
Nik?Zera?Yuyu?Yun??Erm.....Mimi paling di harapkan my sulu la....Theresa!hehehe... klu ko bc jgn mrh ah....syg ko...
Ops...ter ubah tajuk...
Actually nk cta psl Awl Muharram. Tp melencong. Mengikut sejarah yg di bc dr tenet gk, Hari Maal Hijrah atau Awal Muharram Ini adalah suatu hari yang penting bagi umat Islam kerana ia menandakan dua peristiwa penting berlaku dalam sejarah Islam. Pertama, memperingati penghijrahan Nabi Muhammad dari Kota Mekkah ke Madinah pada tahun 622 masihi, dan kedua, ia merupakan hari keagamaan di mana umat Islam mengadakan solat sunat di masjid-masjid di seluruh negeri. Hari Maal Hijrah atau Awal Muharram merupakan hari cuti umum di Malaysia dan merupakan permulaan tahun hijrah bagi umat Islam.
So…that’s all from me…Harap2 suma dapat mencapai azam untuk tahun ni….pas2 buat azam yg baru untuk tahun dpn….InsyaAllah kita Berjaya……
*updated*Ni la gaya-gaya budak zaman skrg... One of the best moment in my life. Hehe.. Pakai baju sekolah time final. Yeah!
Its been a while I have been no blogging here…Erm..It was so damned boring to be in the rural area. No cinemas, no McD, no Sungei Wang (shopping complex), no Vincci, no place to released tension..Huhu
I know I should be proud with my place, my hometown, but sometimes I feel like haunted in this area. At 9 o’clock the ‘busy’ area became dark, like no person allowed to walk through the area at that moment. Huhu
Its ok.. That’s why a lot of people here used a fantastic, big, and up to date cars. (don’t worry, I’ve never seen Porche yet here=p)
Maybe this is my first time staying at home longer than before. Before this, my holiday that makes me stay at home will be only a few weeks, or maybe few days. The rest, I will be happy to spend my holiday time at my sister’s house at KL. I wouldn’t say that KL is a good place for me but, KL is a best place if we want to have a good time with friends, wasting money and so that. I just think that KL makes me happy than Limbang….
But anyway....please don't mumbling here should be patient ryte? =)
Later I post pic k? So busy ryte now....So hot..
Well..I guess I need to update my blog seems like thousand decade it was empty~
Aku sekarang berada di JKR Limbang just for my practical la..
Ni jam 3.13pm... Today is my first day...It was veryyy damnn bored here...I am not giving any task, any job, any work...waahh...but its ok..seems I don get any payment to stay at here..Its ok..Last morning I x bw laptop...waaawaa...Hanya Tuhan yg tahu betapa bosannya di ofis ni..sitting, watching people..(Fuhhhhhhhh...its you father choice kho!) I knew it...then I need to be patient..
Thank God got internet...even though I dun know whose wireless is 'Trojanx'.Hopefully it was not a Trojan virus!!
So I guess starting from today I will just blogging....blogging...n blogging....
Just wondering what field or what dicipline I should be in the future. I guess I can't be sit just like this without doing nothing...I know maybe practical student doesn't have any work to do...but at least.....*sigh*
Its ok then....I can make myself comfortable here as long as I can have this oppotunity to surf internet freelyy!! life is so miserable....Mish my frens so much....I wish I can lepak2 with them again...:-(
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About Me
- Ms Coci~
- Limbang, Sarawak, Malaysia
- Love to be a story teller to everybody which consist of myself, me time, me work, me shopping, me feelings and me craziest moment. It was all over here and enjoy it!~~ I can barely keep still the excitement of people surrounding me...
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