Well..I guess I need to update my blog seems like thousand decade it was empty~
Aku sekarang berada di JKR Limbang just for my practical la..
Ni jam 3.13pm... Today is my first day...It was veryyy damnn bored here...I am not giving any task, any job, any work...waahh...but its ok..seems I don get any payment to stay at here..Its ok..Last morning I x bw laptop...waaawaa...Hanya Tuhan yg tahu betapa bosannya di ofis ni..sitting, watching people..(Fuhhhhhhhh...its you father choice kho!) I knew it...then I need to be patient..
Thank God got internet...even though I dun know whose wireless is that..name 'Trojanx'.Hopefully it was not a Trojan virus!!
So I guess starting from today I will just blogging....blogging...n blogging....
Just wondering what field or what dicipline I should be in the future. I guess I can't be sit just like this without doing nothing...I know maybe practical student doesn't have any work to do...but at least.....*sigh*
Its ok then....I can make myself comfortable here as long as I can have this oppotunity to surf internet freelyy!!
OMG...my life is so miserable....Mish my frens so much....I wish I can lepak2 with them again...:-(
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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