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Lps tuka status kat fesbuk from Single to In A Relationship (plus I mention who is my love is), there's a lot of suara2 sumbang..
And they are all my bloody friends kat skolah..
I know my SAYANG is not handsome type but hey...What is your problem then? I love him since 2006 till now..
There's no point here..I just dont get it...Why? Slh ke klu dia ITAM? Hitam itu Perillys what..=p
Please la..Klu muka hensem tp kuat smoking (sorry for smokers out there) n kuat mrh x guna..
Enough la..Let me happy with him...
Biarlah dia itam ke..busuk ke...I still love him...And he's not rich too..As long as I said I Love You to the guy (belongs to) it means I'm truly deeply in love with him....
OMG..Please la frens..Stop being childish..If you want me, be gentleman la...Cakap2 kat fesbuk x laku la...X berkudis (even terasa gak) la...
Tipu la klu i cakap xnk laki sasamcm David Beckham, Hensem bak purnama mcm sapa2 la...isk
Stop talking about that..I baru tgk 2012 n for me the movie was totally full with moral values..
Insaf pon ada...Dan paling penting if you got time with your Love one / family please spend time with them...
Klu da bnda mcm 2 terjadi mn nk cekau 1 billion Euro nak naik kpl?=p JK
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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aiyo..peduli org ckp pa..
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