Hi dude...
It's been a long disappear but I'm kind of busy lately..
To make it short, I never planned anything like this story to be happen to me, perhaps in the future no more ok..
I hate myself..But it happen..In 3 days I can step on to Sabah and Sarawak..How powerful I am..
The main reason is to meet my sister; Beranak la..Baby girl...Hopefully she's going to be healthy as horses..=p
And the major reason should my my Blub...OMG...We missed each other so much then both of us agreed to meet somewhere around him..
But it was really tiring! I need to be in plane and transit few times..I need to poke first..Uweekk...I hate travel!
Dahla sorng2...Sigh
But now I'm happy and I can let him outstation for more 2 months..After 2 months? It's going to be expired baby...~ It's like I'm produce a Sardine thing..After two months kena renew balik...Kuang3x...


If you cannot be happy in everyday that you breath on, find out why it ruined your life? Appreciate your life, appreciate people that you loved and of course people that loved you more than themselves..
I love you hubby!~
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