Topik x bleh blah kan....
It was really heavy raining out there and I was stuck in the office...
Still in the office hour but not in the office hour mood anymore..
Saya ngelat td..Yeashh! Pegi saloon dan cuci rambut..Why?
Saja2..Ikut suka la..And when the boss calling baru nak terketar..Kiki
There's a scene today where;
One of my Nepal technician taking a nap ; in a raining and comfy weather at my plant...

With a big mouth open...He seems so happy, enjoy and confident with his sleeping; sleeping beauty=p
Then..Someone from the office with dark hearted decided to do this thing...

And you guys know the respond right?Apa ini org..kacau btul..Seriously when he woke up with a shock face he cannot control his face..Just like this cartoon man..So funny...So pity..
Sometimes nobody can take it easily..For example I la...Pantang org kacau time tdo..lg2 with that kind of non-funny-jokes..It ruined your mood the whole day man..
I have no recent activity to be updated but recently interested with half jacket and button jacket and yang sewaktu dengannya=p

Aktiviti hari Ahad...Always at Sushi King...

See? I like the combination..Yeay!
Till then...See ya..Work is so hectic but yet I can fix my time to blogging...
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