Basi punya cerita..
Not yet basi..Btw, I bought (he bought=p) new smart phone for myself last 2 days; 21 June 2011..
Rasa2 mcm setahun lpas I guna Samsung Wave ni..
Aih..I love it!
Iphone 4..Rasa mcm da bjuta kot yg pkai hp ni...
But I didn't get my dream color; white!
Pathetic betul..
The best thing for this phone is they really got a lot of function!
Multi-tasking phone! Seriously harap2 hp ni guna smpai tua..=p
Hi all,
Sy bersiaran langsung dari Genting Highland=p
So far everything about my wedding was settled and it's a huge relief in my life.
Gamba2 kawen akan di update kmudian..
Masih dalam mood honeymoon..:)
Kawen? Pe perasaan? Best kot..Kalau dulu nk dating je pning kpala fikir mana nk dating nih..
Asyik tgk wyg smpi semua wyg da tgk..Nak pegi taman pon sampai da muak..
And now x yah pk mn nk dating..Hp pon da jarang nk charge..Klu dulu asyik charge hp je..Gayut n msg je manjang..=p
Skrg ni hp pon xtau mn pegi..Hehe..
Chill koci...! Nak packing balik nih..Sat g nk tuka hotel plak..1 minggu kat Genting Highland?Sila muntah ok..
Klu pregnant trus konfem la baby made from Genting nih..Hehe..
Stop! Meroyan aku nnt..Gamba akan d upload kemudian..
See ya...
Hi guys..
Inai d tgn masih merah w/pun da abis=p
Tinggal kat kuku lg..Jgn pk bkn2..Sy bukan produktif..Haha
Anyway I just back from shopping utk hantaran..
Utk sambut menantu punya mjlis bru ada hntran..
Utk simpan sbg knangan je..
I bought Elle speedy handbag n Primavera heel..
Nak taruk gamba takut basi plak..=p
Btw, from my experience being a wife to my lovely husband for this whole week I found that I can't live alone anymore..
I'm fully addicted to him! Ok..Sounds pervert? But to be honest, I cannot live without him..
Xtau cmna nk handle klu dia da p laut g pas ni..Menangis smpi klua darah kot?
I feel so blessed and lucky and couldn't be bother to write here that I love my husband so much.
I hope this feeling won't be last until 2 months or 2 years or maybe 20 years..I hope it will be forever..:)
And now he's not here..He already back to Terengganu this morning..*Sob*
Ok.. Relax.
I will b on leave again this coming Friday. Yeay!
Till then..See ya...Will update picture later~
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About Me
- Ms Coci~
- Limbang, Sarawak, Malaysia
- Love to be a story teller to everybody which consist of myself, me time, me work, me shopping, me feelings and me craziest moment. It was all over here and enjoy it!~~ I can barely keep still the excitement of people surrounding me...
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Kuih Cincin Restock!11 years ago
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