10:26 PM

My Wedding Part 1

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Wedding photographs is one of the eternal ways to keep wedding memories and for my part I

won't be regret with the last-minute photographer that I choose 3 days before my wedding..


I love my makeup..Seriously 'his' name is Ricky and 'his' hand was so magneto! Err..She's a man..=p

Malas nak ckp byk..Bubuh gmba je la..

X water mark pon..Siap klu ada org copy right!

Photoshoot kat pdg dpn umah I=p

Sapa ckp aku x hepi kawen?Tgk mulut tbuka luas da tau da~~

Marhaban session...Memutihkan tgn

Sesi bedak=p

Laki I laaa~

Bedebar..Dup dup

Baru pas makeup..Bulu mata x bleh blah=p

Ni kakak aku yg kawen sm aku..Just dia x d benarkn pkai bju pngantn..Takut aku x dpt berkat cina..Aku kn sparuh cina sparuh mlayu..

Will b continue..For now enough la dlu k..

Ngantuks..Tomorrow my sista n my family datang utk sambut menantu kt Paka, Terengganu..

Oh..N my husband is not here..Da blk Paka smlm lg..

*Sob* Sob*

See u~

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