I discovered something today ; which I didn't realized it was happened to me since a very long time ago..
I was trauma, scared, frightened with someone in office which is my own boss! The situation and the character was totally same with my ex-boss. God! I wondered kenapa la aku mesti jumpa this type of human..=(
Back to my childhood stories, I was treated just like a soldier by my daddy. He was so strict and all he wanted from us (siblings) was an excellent result from the exam.
I was the fourth from 6 siblings and Alhamdulillah finally I can made him happy to the sky after I enter the university.
But our 5th couldn't make it and I think she got a lot of pressured from him until she changed and stressed and erm..God knows what happen..=(
So, the matter of fact is I was so scared with my own father and I would choosed to be silent in front of him rather than fight back with everything he said and what he did to us.
Fyi, we had our own timetable..There's no chanced to watch a television on day and night..Except when he's not around and my mother will let us watching the tv. And at 5pm he will make sure everyone get involved with any sports. If you trying to hang around inside the house at that moment, you will get a sweet chance kissing his belt on your butt!
Seriously, I was so scared with him. I think that's the reason why I choosed to stay longer in boarding school rather than spent time at home. And even after I finished matriculation I spoke less with him. I don't know how to start the conversation with him..Korang faham x?Huhu
And now I knew that I can't talk or being normal to this kind of people ; hot temper person because it will keep remind me with my childhood history. I know my boss will think that I'm the stupidest engineer in this world..
Hell yes, but only for ya..Seriously if he read this..What I want from him is he understand me as a fresh and new engineer.Not as success as him which have been worked for almost 10 years!
I really can't make it..I always get a chance to join a big company..Big salary..Big chance to successful. But because of this kind of bosses I can't stand with it. Not even in next thousand million years!!
I was thinking to be a housewife.But I know it was impossible. Since I have a big commitment.
I will try again..Next week..I will try to learn more from my draftman and perhaps I can do everything by myself without any complaints from him..
I think I was in depressed mode now. Need to go somewhere that can pampered my mind, body and soul tomorrow..
I wish I can try changes my perception to him..
Aku xnk mati kerna dia...Aww!
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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