Hubby emailed me an invitation for his company yearly dinner and the theme was "Retro Night"
In case la my hubby ni balik KL before 30/12 nih konfem la dia tpksa pegi..
Aku plak 1st time ikut dinner dia nih..
Goshh...Dalam ati memang xnk pegi..Sbb I ni anti-sosial..Haha..JK
But, looking for a perfect costume for the dinner is fun!
Sbb lawak2 je baju dorang kan..
Retro Costume guys...
Just imagine I'm wearing this..Serius 6 packs!Haha

This one looks nice..
At first, I was sort of reluctant to dress up since I don't have many clothes to put on and I don't get what is the true concept of the dinner actually..
Ye la..kot-kot melaram kang suma pakai purdah..Haha I don't think so..
Anyhow, I kept eyeing through this website: and the dress inside there was so so so helpful!
Kind of fun huh?
Can't imagine if everyone was wearing 60's and 70's clothes..I should wear a mask..Kot2 tak tahan gelak..

Hi hubby, I should start looking for this wig for you..You will look jambuuuuu!~~

Or I just send my old curtain to tailor and ask them to make a dress and shirt for us..Haha..
Makes sense..
Just wait and see the outcome..
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