I've been stranded here at Labuan since past few days..
Hubby emailed me an invitation for his company yearly dinner and the theme was "Retro Night"
In case la my hubby ni balik KL before 30/12 nih konfem la dia tpksa pegi..
Aku plak 1st time ikut dinner dia nih..
Goshh...Dalam ati memang xnk pegi..Sbb I ni anti-sosial..Haha..JK
But, looking for a perfect costume for the dinner is fun!
Sbb lawak2 je baju dorang kan..
Retro Costume guys...

Waiting for my husband calling me since last few days.. It's killing me and makes me crazy like hell! Betul la penantian itu 1 penyeksaan.
The thing is he told me that his projek will finish on 10th and looks like 2 days hv passed! Gosh.. I wonder if he ok right there?
He should know that there's a person that care about him so much. At least, send me an email..
Mood: Christina Perry - Thousand Years~
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About Me
- Ms Coci~
- Limbang, Sarawak, Malaysia
- Love to be a story teller to everybody which consist of myself, me time, me work, me shopping, me feelings and me craziest moment. It was all over here and enjoy it!~~ I can barely keep still the excitement of people surrounding me...
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Kuih Cincin Restock!11 years ago
Kuih Cincin online13 years ago