Lama betul tak hapdate blog..
Hi everyone..
It's 7th day of first month for new year 2012..
I wish all of you have a great mission and vision for this 2012 year =)
So for mine..Let's have a look
a) I wish I can have my own baby this year.Amin!b) I wish I can enlarge my business
c) More time with my hubby
d) Reduced my depression to min percent!
e) More money n money..
Dah cukup..Yang penting nak jadi isteri solehah!
We're heading for honeymoon for tak-tau-kali-berapa tomorrow..This time our location is Kelantan! Since I memang tak penah g situ..
Thanks to hubby for this opportunity..
I have many passions in my life now. I realize how important it is to have passion in my life. I have gone out of my way to find people, places and things that inspire passion in me.
So, this time I know every second that we have, every minute he sit next to me is priceless moment I got!
I hope you will have a wonderful year ( 2012), that you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you'll make something that didn't exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return..Ok tarik nafas..!
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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