Hey people...
I was in category not-into-malay-films..
Sorry about that...Memang dah lumrah...Nak wat gane..=p
But after watched the trailer of Adnan Sempit, I just kept saying "OMG kena tengok nih..Teruja!"
Wahh...I don't know when the movie will be release but I kept updating at GSC...
Until I read Ynaa's blog and she's talking about the movie..Terrooosss...P search GSC..And sadly asked my Blub to purchase the ticketS for me and my fren=p
Kuang3x...Kena pow..
And seriously U need to watch this movie..OMG I don't know how Ahmad Idham can get this kind of funniest idea in this world..
OMG....X tau nak cakap apo la..Lu tengok la sendri..
Bole tgk trailer dia..Bess oo...Hihi
Selamba badak la citer nih...Ish...Badak pon ada malu...Citer nih? Aih...
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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