9:35 PM

What to do on CNY?

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Gong Xi Fa Chai!

Ops...Its too early to wish CNY for everyone..


I hate my job! OMG! But I x sampai hati nak tinggalkan company nih...Why? Because the GM, DGM and all the pakcik2 director was so goood to me!


I just need more time and free time to leisure instead of balik rumah malam tido terus..OMG!

It's not a good and healthy life...

Hurmm...I have a lot of things to be done...And problems comes up non-stop and I was screwed up!

OMG!Stop being nonchalant about everything and anything and so on...I was fed up...

But sometimes I found my job is fun too...OMG (again)

I need someone to rub my neck, massage my body and hair...And the best solution is.......

Go SPA!!!


I think I know what I am going to do on CNY...But are they going to open on CNY?

Tutup la...Aisemen...

No idea lor....Ermm...Need to sleep now...Get some ideas ..=p

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