My head was spinning around this morning..And it was already 10am but yet I'm still bermalasan di katil..
Last night was history for me! Bukan ada pa2 hal..Just history sepanjang kat KL tido lambat for the first time=p 2am LOL!
Went to Laundry Bar at The Curve last night...Damn!
I get used to it! I mean errr bau alcohol la.. Since last 2 weeks 2 times I went to YTL dinner and I smell the same thing just like the bar..Eww
The boring part is before Flop Poppy performed last night; there are 3 Malaysia's band performed..
OMG I betol2 x bleh tahan..I cannot accept the 3 bands before..Makin lama makin membosankan...Maybe I'm too old for that kind of song..=p And we thought Flop Poppy would not be available to perform on that night..
But after saw Flop Poppy passing by our table my excitement come again..
Cukup2 pukul 12 Flop Poppy started..Gosh..I just stand in front of the stage..Their song just very truly different from others band on that night..Slow and steady but yet still memukau!!
Thanks to my friend/colleague:
It was my first time come to that kind of place..Never come to bar/pub before but last night? It was a blast!
Even though my My Blub very worried but still I can get back home safely..=p
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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