Grow up dude! We old enough to do that kind of rubbish thing...Please la..
When I found my friend cheated on me (which is I can make a list here) it was fun to tell everybody about my feelings here..
[1] She told me that she's breakup with her EX-BF but yet during Valentine's day she's going to her EX-BF hometown! OMG! Perigi cari timba huh??Sort of..
[2] Paling x tahan: She told me she follow her friend going back to her friend's hometown during CNY holiday but yet I got a prove that she wasn't going there!!
Funny isn't it? I never think she's going cheated on me AGAIN but yet here she is...Done with that kind of things and I'm so kesian to her..
Maybe she don't get any ideas how is my feelings right now and later after she's kantoi idup2 with me..
Dear my friend/ to be exact my cousin:
Please changes your attitude...It's funny you doing all over this..I'm giving you a praise for your effort..But Tuhan tau apa yang tersirat dlm hati ini..
Sebelum hati ini terdetik, I still love you as my friend and cousin but after you are totally KANTOI again I hope if we ever meet again, I'll pray for your happiness in the future...So? Good Luck!
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
2 Drag some ideas:
huhu..public confession ni...
Haha...No need to cover la..useless
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