10:38 PM

Big News for Everyone

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

And finally 'us' decided to fix the date for our wedding!

Date to remember:

28/5/2011 - Akad Nikah (Limbang, Sarawak)

29/5/2011 - Sanding kat umah I (Limbang, Sarawak)

11/6/2011 - Sanding kat umah dia (Paka, Terengganu)

He just bought the tickets which cost him a lot! No need to mention here but it was expensive..!


Group from Paka - Limbang will be around 18 people!

I'm giving a thought to invite my friends to my wedding at Sarawak but I think I just invite them here...Grrrr...

Tiket mahal la nyah...Pening plak nnt klu ramai2...Family dia da 18 org nk di angkut..hehe

But I want to make sure suma BFF kat U and sekolah dapat dtg kat Paka! Dtg jgn x dtg tau!

Luckily we decided to booked a wedding card last week...At least da kurang pening 1 item nak prepare..Huhu

Theme color? Ni yang jadi gaduh ni tadi...Everything must be Blue! Oh..Tau la dia suka color biru aku pon dia nk hasut2..Sori okeh..

Pink is totally not allowed!So I choose Silver for my place..Blue for his place...Lantak la..Amik la biru...Weh kawan2...sila pakai biru eh time g kenduri...=p

Yakin je bgtau org nk kawen bila...The problem is tickets is confirmed! InsyAllah la eh...Ermm...

There's a lot of things need to be settle including : Kursus Kahwin! Argh!!

Oh..After finish ceremony at Limbang, My Blub will be follow his family back to KL first and me?

Sob Sob...I'm going back to KL the day after him..Sedey..Kenal tinggal..Hihi..


Finally after be in love with him 5 years I tied up with him legally=p

I have less than 7 months to prepare everything include DIET! Plz..I really want to have good image in my wedding picture...!

Dah 3 bln x jumpa my Blub and next 2 days dia fly pegi Vietnam utk meeting!

Nasib bdn la..Asal duit msuk kat bank cukup=p

6 Drag some ideas:

zeratikah zainal said...

you r not yet tied up to him la. will be tied up. gatai ye xsbar2 nak kawen ni;D
xnk pkai biru. nk pkai pink jgk.. eh, ape kate suh bff ko pkai pink ms gi rmh misai? hehe

Ms Coci~ said...

Eeeeeeeeeee....Idea baek punya!!!

Mesti dia sakit mata..Haha...jahat nya..

zeratikah zainal said...

alaa.. kwn2 kene la tlg kawan yg hajat xsmpai kan. kate BFF. kalo skit mate, suh die pkai sunglasses. hahaha

zubed said...

waaaaaaaa...tahniah!!!finally...about 6 month to go yer.....

chagil said...

congratz kwn...xsabar ni nak attend...nk hadiah pa?hehe

Ms Coci~ said...

zubed : TQ! lg 5 bln!

Cha: weh..nnt aku buat wishlist..hahaa
