Hi guys...
Setelah sekian lama x tulis blog...
And finally I come out with lot of pictas....~
I went to one of my friend's wedding last friday. Amik annual leave tuh..
We (me and Theresa) arrived at Kemaman around 10:30pm and checked in to the nearest hotel.
By tomorrow I bring along my Blub to the wedding.
Oh..by the way I really look fat-big-huge dinasour on that day!
Now I have to start dietttt!
Anyway...Jum tgk gamba!
Yezzza....Itu dia owner of the blog berbaju pink (Gemz!) and the gedik one (Zeratikah!)
I forgot to tell ya'all... Theresa (Baju kurung itam di atas) only took 3 hours to drive from KL-Kemaman! Gila kan? I was sleeping + berdengkur dgn kuat!=p

The bride is so cute! Da nak jadi mak org pon ada peace? Peace to the world Nik!!=p
Being a paparazzi is so fun! Berdua dgn Zera yg Super Duper Paparazzi!=p She was busy with her phone and us busy being a gedik=p
Love this pic!

The bride is so cute! Da nak jadi mak org pon ada peace? Peace to the world Nik!!=p
Last but not least....Peace from the bride..Aih..X abis2 nik nih..
Anyway...the food is nyummy..the wedding is fun but you know there is one thing bad happen?
Aku lupa zip kain baju kurung moden aku! Damn!
And to make it worst I dengan selamba berjalan ke sana sini without anybody shout it?Don't you guys notice bout it??
OMG! My Blub realized it when we are on the way back to car..And he took a picture too! So embarrassing!!
God! Orang nampak ke ha?So ashamed!
Aku lupa zip kain baju kurung moden aku! Damn!
And to make it worst I dengan selamba berjalan ke sana sini without anybody shout it?Don't you guys notice bout it??
OMG! My Blub realized it when we are on the way back to car..And he took a picture too! So embarrassing!!
God! Orang nampak ke ha?So ashamed!
3 Drag some ideas:
WAHAHAHAHA!! ko buat lawak ape tu weyhhh???? lawak di hri kahwin nik? sumpah maluu. ;DD
kosh jom p lagi...KT..i will make it 3hours too...
zera: weh..ko ingat aku sngaja nk buat lawak??siot ah baju 2..hahaha
cha: weh..jum la..aku syok plak ko drive..laju gila..hahaha
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