When is the last time I went back to my hometown?
Tak Tau!
I'm going back to Sarawak this Saturday-Monday along with future in-law + husband..
It's a merisik thing... But we would like to make it an engagement ceremony too.. Teringin nak menyandang gelaran jadi tunangan org=p
Time to settle everything between his and my family before we prepared all wedding stuffs..
Till then...Will update this blog more frequent!
Ops...I just came back from MidValley..
Watched Narnia 3D...The image and resolution is vibrant but because of there's no subtitle there, as usual a guy sit next to me sleep with a very noise snored that he capable to have in this world!
Memang 3D movie xde subtitle eh? Pelik!
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
1 Drag some ideas:
mmg takde la. mgkin sebab tulisan tu akan jd terlalu tertonjol kalo ade. haha. ape ayat aku ni?
btw, congrates miss fiancee to be!! :D
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