Hi peeps!
Lama x meroyan dalam blog..
Maka hari ini dengan penuh perasaan sakit hati dan tension di sbabkn oleh mcm2 aku nak meroyan but in the same time nak soseh apa aku nak for this coming new year=p
First of all for your information, while Malaysia having a free holiday because of the ball things, I have to work tomorrow! Damn it!
And for the extra stress of mine, while people celebrating new year 2011, I have to work also!! Damn again...I know!
WTH? Ntah la labu...pape la..
It was so frustrated man! Dahla da janji nak pegi kawen my sweet fren time skolah..Work just ruined it! Again!
OMG Rahmah...Anyway aku harap ko berbahagia di samping suami tercinta...Aku sayang persahabatan kita ok..
Bila aku nak bercuti nih! Tensionnya...
Anyway...Everybody have their aimed of life since the new year is just around the corner.Me too! I cannot think about work 100% right? Nanti aku strok d umo 30-an...=p
Apa korang nak untuk tahun baru?Mesti suma nak kaya, nak cantik, nak slim, nak dapat laki ensem kan?
What I want for the next year resolution:
1 - I will try to reduce my weight asap before my wedding..Perhaps 55kg?Yes!
2- I will spend time more on my body and facial treatment..Sapa nak badan bersisik mcam ikan time kawen?=p
3- I can control my temper. I don't like to throw temper to my Blub but I can't help yelling towards him..Isk..X elok..
4- I can be a good daughter like I am now (perasan) and maybe InsyAllah a good wife to him=p
5- Tingkat kan baca Quran..Tension pon kurang jadinya...
6- Start collecting a non-teenage outfit.. Ko nak jadi bini orang lg nak pkai baju kartoon?=p
7- *Censored* =p
8- Hopefully I can found new identity of mine. How to change my image huh? I think currently I have a crisis identity=p In term of fashion la..Tudung especially..
9- My parents can be healthy and healthier to see my wedding..I love them!
10- Last but not least..Errr...I can have my own house before end of 2011..
So...What bout you?
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
1 Drag some ideas:
azam no 1 tu same la kite.
azam no 6 pon same jugakk.
no 7 pon same. ehh??!
no 10 erkkk. goodluck to you! nanti aku dtg melawat. hehe
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