Hi peeps! Sorry for the very lack updates here!~
Nak wat mcmna..Busy..Makan je keje..=(
I think I'm fat! Super fatty woman!OMG..
And now I feel like I wanna thrown out all the food that I just ate..Too full!
Arghh! Ladies plz wake me up...See the countdown on the top of the blog. 4 months? What??
Calm down...You can do it Koci!
I just came back from Restoran Maeps at Serdang. The place is so scary, dark and horror.. Eww
The place is just nearby to Hospital Serdang.
The good thing about this place is you only have to pay RM19.90/entry and you can eat whatever inside there. The food is marvelous as well..And they have Ice-cream and ABC too!
Diet? Oh please forget the diet first if you insist to walk to this restaurant..Menyesal beb wa cakap sama lu..

Setting dapur masak...Dapur gas sebelah seat je..Meletop xtau la=p

Drink is free...Teh Tarik also have ahhh....Sedap oo..
Aih...It looks like I'm doing the advertisement now...I just want to share with you guys..Kot2 ada yang suka mkn buffet steamboat...Please spend your leisure and pleasure time to have a makan-makan time here..
Make sure perut kosong dulu sblum datang..=p
Isk...I forgot to snap picture of me...Nevermine..I'll update my picture later..~
Aih...It looks like I'm doing the advertisement now...I just want to share with you guys..Kot2 ada yang suka mkn buffet steamboat...Please spend your leisure and pleasure time to have a makan-makan time here..
Make sure perut kosong dulu sblum datang..=p
Isk...I forgot to snap picture of me...Nevermine..I'll update my picture later..~
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