Boleh plak buat smile eh??
Bak kata my manager just now; You left us in this hell and you walk into paradise! How dare you!
So cute! But I'm kind of agreed with that statement..
So skrg ni aku dok dlm ofis tp rasa mcm invisible..Xde kerja..Bes gak..Baru sampai ofis actually..
Gila kuasa betoll...Hihi
Sampai awl pon xde kerja wat pe nk dtg awl..Betoi x??=p
So far keje kat cni mmg best..Ular banyak..Sbb byk pegi site luar..=p
The greatest feeling that I had here as an employee was I felt like working with a family members..
Especially my G.M..Thanks for being so sporting..Siap maen WhatsApp ngan dia..

My Superintendent..Alim dan sangat gatal..Suka pegang2 dan suka baca bahasa badan pompuan..!

Honestly I had a wonderful time working in this company. For the whole period I've been here, I got opportunity to learned about concrete very deeply and work with different people. I went to all site and met with new people everyday..
Memang xde kerja la ni skrg..I think I will spend time for the whole day by running through all old memory of the events we had. Gosh..I am sure I will miss my friends and bosses here! Sob-sob
Thanks for every one - I'm giving you all a chance to grow up in this company..Seriously, you're going to change a lot after working here 2 years and above!
Memang xde kerja la ni skrg..I think I will spend time for the whole day by running through all old memory of the events we had. Gosh..I am sure I will miss my friends and bosses here! Sob-sob
Thanks for every one - I'm giving you all a chance to grow up in this company..Seriously, you're going to change a lot after working here 2 years and above!
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