3:52 PM

Waiting for miracle

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Hi guys..

It's been 2 months and a half I've been married to my lovely husband..

I received a good news from my cousin yesterday that her sis-in law was pregnant 2 weeks..

And she was asking me if I got any clue or symptom of pregnant but for the time being I don't have it yet..

I want a kid eventually, but my husband was not around frequently..

Ntah la..Let the baby grow itself and do not try to think it very hard..

Sapa la yg x mo baby?

Gila apo..But I will make sure that we try our best after Hari Raya..

Pray for our success ok..


OMG..I want this!=)

1 Drag some ideas:

zeratikah zainal said...

sabar la weihhhh! haha..tunggu aku dulu ke.. lol
