Salam guys..
It's early in the morning.. I can't slept much since my headache hit me the whole night! (>_<)
Recently I bought a mini sewing machine, and it looks like a stapler..
And it only cost me 10 bucks. Yearks! Menyesal beli..Why? Sebab finishing kat belakang tak lawa pon.. Or maybe I'm the one who need more practice on it =)

Image from Google...Thanks
When it comes to fashion, I just can't resist to give a try make it by myself.. God!
Inspiration and ideas burst in my mind when the time has come.. I just need a true equipment to proceed with the product..
For example ah..I saw this shawl with lace..Wow..It was so easy to make and automatically I'll have another ideas to add any lovely things to this shawl..Seriously!

Harus bersabar..Dan tingkat kan usaha =)
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