6:09 PM

I miss blogging!

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Tarik nafas..

Lama betol tak hapdate blog..

And today I just wanna say few words just to keep my blog alive!

It had been more than 3 months since I'm officially became ; unemployed (Loser?) =)

I'm happy with it..

So, my daily routine is not much exciting and challenging since, well what do you expect staying at home? No kids? No engineering work to finish on time?

I just spent few minutes talk to my old neighbor; How are you? Oh today so hot..Lets do laundry..Bla bla bla..

And that's it..The rest I just wait for my husband back from work and talk to him..

But now I'm starting switch on my gear, looking for a job..Waaaaa Again?

Sayang nak tinggal engineering lama2..Apa la..Register ngn BEM susah2, Experience pon nearly 3 yrs? Baik guna kan otak yg ada utk berkhidmat ngn negara..


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