Assalamualaikum all....
Wahh....Today was 1st of ramadhan and I just finished my sahur time...Grook..Minum air berbakul..
Last nite I went to Mid Valley @ The Gardens with my sister to searched for the tissue dispenser...Ugh...
Sejak kerja kuat nih penat je balik umah..In the end mulut ternganga tido=p
Since I'm driving my own car; My Baby I'm giving full attention / patience to hardware outlet; Everything about car~
Last nite I entered Metrojaya and jatuh chenta with some accessories..Some ideas crossed my mind I found it will be so cute if I put this thing in my car; even I know my hubby won't like and approve it...=p

This color also nice but it will attract others to smack down my car=p

We stop at Sweet chat just for cuci gigi and distract our lust on durian things...It was really nyummy!
Have ya all heard about Dr Cafe before??If you are not familiar with oversea's coffee outlet mesti xtaw ni...
Its a new branch for Coffee Leisure-Loitering place for people who got money=p Its like Starbuck, Coffe Bean, Dome and etc but there's a different in there...
The location was at Solaris Mont Kiara...Come and taste the nice coffee (I'm not drink coffe tho)
Please click here to get more info

I get myself with Strawberry Cocktail...!Superb!!~~
Aih....Pose2 mcm ni wat entry about food....Its a crime idea you know!!
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