11:13 AM

Kemamang Holiday

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Yippie..using hotel wifi i still cn update my blog life from kemaman!

Wait for my pictas!Hehe

There is nothing much activities i have done here. Arrived around 10pm last nite and just cuci mata this morning..


Me and my sister move from KL around 5.45pm and arrived at Kemaman arround 9pm+..

We stayed at Tip Top 7 Hotel? X ingat la nama nya..But nearby Tunas Manja Kemaman..

The room was gorgeous and the price was affordable..~Siyes! Clean...And Clear...Awww..

Malam tu x jumpa pon Mr Blub..Dia xnk jumpa..X sudi...=p JK (dalam ati siyes nk sgt jumpa..but what to do??=( )

Then I slept early la..Because I knew in the same time I don't know what is the main purpose went to Kemaman!

In the morning we decided to breakfast at Kedai Kopi Hai Peng yang teramat ramai customer nya..

Then..Journey to the west...

My sister asked if I want to go to Paka- Mr Blub hometown or to be exact his house..Gosh! Dia tarak ada watpe nk g sana kn? Buang tabiat...

We went to Telaga Simpul instead...

It have it's own history and you can read it by yourself when you step yourself on top of this place..=p

Me and my sister in front of the Simpul Telaga=p

After that we all xde mud nak pegi mn lagi..Actually me and myself la xde mud..Mish him so much!!

We decided to going back to KL la..See? No point coming to Kemaman right? Ntah pape..Bazir duit byr tol + minyak je=p

G tgk G.I Joe berbaloi kot??=p

Kunjungan sah klu ke pantai timur..Keropok Lekor..=o

Me at work place...Suspect H1N1 pe..

My baby car beautiful skin at 1st day I'm driving

My baby at 2nd day I'm driving...Sadis...But now everything recovery...Love my baby Elite..=p

Till then...I need to take a nap...

Sampai KL je rasa nk demam...pasai pe??

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