It was like an ages since I wrote something in my own blog..
Geeeeee...It was not my fault...I'm still blame for those who 'curik' my broadband...Isk
X halal kan dia...Isk..
Last nite while I have not planning anything for the nite, my girlfrens asked me if I want to join them to watch movie at Mid Valley...Gosh!!Maestilah nak kn?!!
We all decided tengok movie 'Private Life of Pippa Lee'...Cite dia slow je..Siyes ngantuk beb...
Ptg tu joging..Pas2 sangup tahan lapo sbb nk dinner sm2 ngn girlfrens...
Last2 makan kat tepi wyg tu jerk; Carl Jr...The best thing about this fast food outlet is; The drinks can be refill anytime and any quantity (even smpai gelas kertas tu dah lunyai + koyak)..=p
I need broadband...The line was so damn slow!!Mak....Tolong!!!~~~=p

1 gamba gedik mlm itu...~Isk....
Buhsan....See ya later!~
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