People said true love never end..
Yeah I guess that thing is true..
Recently I found that my Mr Blub dah jadi 'Clingy Guy'..He needs more attention (like a baby), he spent so much just for me (which I don't feel comfortable with that) and the worst thing is dia x bleh dengar I talked about any man out there..!~ Nanti dia cakap nak kerat 14..
What a psycho man I had~
Oh...Before that;
Happy Deepavali All~~
Semalam dia sampai KL just for a day (the purpose was only to spent time with me!~) and we all tengok 3 movies...Ugh...
Kesian..orang jarang tgk wayang..Bila dia nak tgk skali harung plak tuh...Pening..!~
Watched for
[1] Cloudy with chicken meatballs (3D x best plak tuh!)
[2] Whiteout (Best)
[3] Papadom ( Ok...this movie was truly sad man! Blub nangis! OMG!!~)
Now he's going back to his work at ganu...And I wish he was here by next week..=p
Ugh....Just because aku punya broadband ilang blogging pon ilang? Ne hi~
I'm going to try my best now=p
Slow nya la...upload 1 gmbo mcm upload 10 gmbo...Isk~

Mana ni cik timah? Kat wad respiratori (in easy words Tibi + HIV)..
Why I can be there? 1 of my fren cik Hamimi was admit there...tapi dia wat test Tibi -ve result...Where is she now? OMG...I lost my memory about her=p
Napa pakai baju mcm g2 lawat org sakit? Sbb ada open house lor...Kuikui...Ingat rajin ke nk menapak pkai baju mcm 2?=p Panas!LOL
It's ok...I bawa Domino's Pizza that day time lawat dia..melantak x serupa orang tgh dduk kat wad=p
Hope you can get well soon pal...!~
Napa pakai baju mcm g2 lawat org sakit? Sbb ada open house lor...Kuikui...Ingat rajin ke nk menapak pkai baju mcm 2?=p Panas!LOL
It's ok...I bawa Domino's Pizza that day time lawat dia..melantak x serupa orang tgh dduk kat wad=p
Hope you can get well soon pal...!~
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