What should I do today in fact it was holiday and I can sleep whole day if I want!=p
But it was not a healthy plan for me...Ryte?
Since my broadband gone, and I need time looking for new one with the cheap price but safe while I'm using it in the future I can feel my life was outdated..It's not me!
Last nite spent time with my big sista at Mid Valley...Watched movie; Tsunami at Hyuandae..
Yosh! The movie was...Totally makes me cry!Haha..In the beginning I was laugh down to earth but in the end I was cried passionless..=p
Go and watch the movie..!
My Mr Blub was in KL yesterday and I couldn't find perfect gateway to spent time with him...and it was so sad..Why on earth my company ask me to work whole day on Saturday...I need leisure time! Huh...
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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