Looks like I step into a new world recently..Hihi
[1] Last two night was a blast..Superb night I ever had here in KL..Karaoke
I went to Metro Point at Kajang..Melalak..Auuuuuu
Before this I never agreed to join them ( my colleague ) but lepas di paksa2 I found it was amazing activity!!

Itu dia...ahli2 karaoke..Baju kurung pon ada..Hehe
Lala..Kesian....X pnah karaoke sblm ni and for the first timer went to karaoke I got some praises from my new friends..God! They all said my voice just like Dato Siti...
Gross...Perasan la tuh...Isk..Pe nak jd ngn budak2 zmn skrg..=p
Anyway..I just knew that karaoke is kind of release tension activity...Seriously...
Thanks to Ina..Kalau dia x paksa x pegi niih...~~
[2] Well..Today is
12/12/09..Happy Anniversary to me..To him...And to us..
Dah 3 tahun been together and I don't get it how he can stick and be patient with me...Hehe
As usual...X guna planning anything..It won't happen and I was right again..
We all just watched movieS (Santau and Jump) in different places..
Jump at Mid Valley and Santau at Alamanda Putrajaya..
I bought something for him but I'm not intrested to give him anymore since he doesn't look "OMG its our 3rd anniversary!"
Anyway there's always a bad (which are a lot) and good side of life..
After watched Jump at Mid Valley I was dragged by Alakazam Production and it was publicity promotion!
They are doing the promotion for new movie nama Pulau Asmara..

Sapa nama pom ni ntah..In calendar gave to me, she looks very big..Real?So small..
Pas tgk wayang my Blub lost parking ticket...So sad! Bayor RM50..Gross...
Whatever...Apa nak buat ari ni? Pegi Zoo? Or pegi Eye on Malaysia? Hihi..Mmg xdok kerja...