Bengang nih...
Went to Skin11 facial treatment worth Rm350+ but only pay RM11 because of my friend's friend working there as part timer..
Haih...The place was really nice and exclusive..
It was located at IOI Boulevard.. It just opened recently...Whatever n whenever they want la
After facial treatment around 2 hours ++ , as usual the consultant will describe their product and always said that their product is the best thing in the world..
"You punya muka ok...Only have blackhead at T-Zone" she said to my colleague..
She said to me "You punya muka memang sangaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat teruk"
Ok fine...I can accept that..Maybe she's joking or something..
But then she keep repeating the same sentences to me and it was really pissed me off..
Hey WTF!! Sukati aku la muka aku banyak blackhead ke..Apa ke..
The thing is she cannot say like that..If she want to sell her product please say it nicely and in proper way .. Bukan mengutuk muka orang se maksima yang mungkin!
If she thinks that she can bullshit me she's doing it to the wrong person..
Ok...Stop being emotional...There's always a good thing kan?=p
The result for today's facial is I'm not happy..My face? Still the same mah...
X tau la esok bangun2 dah jadi Keira Knightly...Awwww...
Can't wait for my favourite facial treatment at Kota Damansara...
Next two weeks!!
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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