It was me!
Hihi..Seriously...Dah kerja pon xtau nak tukar fashion...
Before this I assume that money la..
But now?? Still got no money but I think...(I think first) now I can afford to buy the DP, Principles or maybe Nichii..Ugh
Why ah? In the end I would bought the plain T-shirt, or plain blouse with no curve..
Haha..I really need fashion consultant with this matter...
People said Engineer memang selekeh...I agree with that..
And I imagine if I was HR people..Still in the same level of fashion I guess...Hihi..Isk..
Dahla x tau fashion...Make up pon x penah...Aih...Pe nak jadi..Only facial and treatment on my face makes me like a real women..
Kalau muka pon berketul, bersawang sana sini..X ke macam laki? I need improvement but I don't like it too..
I don't like makeup myself with something beatiful..Gross...Disease apa nih?

I triend to but not into fashion..Isn't it?

Muka jgn cakap..Klu x facial every month menggerutu muka...Macam evil..
*Grin* (Alasan!)
Ermm...Kalau la ada program realiti TV "Who wants to be pretty like me" rasa nak join gak...
2 Drag some ideas:
Better late than never dear. Cuba rajinkan baca fashion/lifestyle mags like Cleo/Eh!. Belajar skit2. Amik tips skit2. Bermula skit2 tak pa..Try and error dalam cari gaya yang sesuai dengan badan dan personality kita. To be honest, last year baru i start belajar make up. Sebelum tu just pakai bedak, clear lip balm and clear mascara. Pastu practise. Alah bisa, tegal biasa. Good luck dear! If need any help, i suka je nak tolong kalau i boleh tolong :)
I wish I read and can practice!~ FYI I mmg bli cleo every month but nothing is changing..Maybe work environment kot..
Best ah reena..g keje bole pkai heel..I ni? Sah2 pakai safety boot+safety vest+safety helmet..Isk
Jeles2 ngn u guys yg kerja ofis!
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