Mesti x saba nk baca entry becoz of the topic kn?
Isk...Anak2 muda skrg...=p
Anyway I 'm decided to having my 'lunch hour' kat umah...I was cooking in Facebook in Cafe World..
Aih...Pe nak jadi...Sanggup tuh..Berdangdut nak jd chef kat Facebook..Ish
Last 5th Dec was my Mr Blub birthday and I knew he wont have time to spent his birthday with me alone..
And luckily I'm not going to pay for the booking at Menara KL..Klu x nangis...
I knew he was reading my blog..(Klu x cmna dia tau idea nak dinner kt Menara KL kn?)
I don't want to give him suprise because I knew he won't like it...
Enough is enough..
Still not feeling very well...Flu dah klua and I think I need 365 days MC..!LOL
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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