Tolong & please la..
What on earth happened to this world nowadays?
[1] Internet getting slow @ xda lngsung even after connected...Why?Why?
[2] Kenapa manusia semakin kejam....I mean..Why on earth a guy from masjid boleh nak kawen ngn kid umo 10 years old?OMG..What are you thinking?
[3] Don't you read / heard before? Baby born with a tail at the back at Hong Kong...
Tolong lah saudara saudari di luar sana...
Ambil lah iktibar dari kisah2 dunia masa kini...
Our world getting older, so selamat beramal~
No..this entry just crossed my mind after my broadband making me mad here...Talking alone here like nobody's business...!
Dang..I hate life without internet!
It's my fifth month staying at this house...Rental is ok but the housemate is a bit kureng..
And moving out/nomad is not my patient..I just bought Queen size of bed and I need to move this huge thing?Damn!
Great..Do you any ideas? Blend all this bed and tape them again like a puzzle?=p
Argh...Life in KL is not that easy man...
Unless you being so lucky like Umie Aida..Congrats to her..Semoga berkekalan...
I need to go...Chow..
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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