[1] At traffic light you saw a tomboy girl open her car window to smoke with a face who-cares-what-this-earth-happen-now, then 1 motorbike stop next to her car & pulas minyak sampai habis then the girl terpaksa buang cigarette & terbatuk & terpaksa tutup tingkap...=p
[2] At traffic light again, you saw 1 guy tanggalkan spec..1 tangkai utk korek idung & 1 tangkai lg utk korek teling..Sounds very dirty huh?=p
[3]You approach a GOOD guy and he keep his distance from you sampai dia x thn dia lari sekuat hati..Looks like you're the one whose going to rape him..For God's sake!
[4] You watched Uji bakat Akademi Fantasia @ American Idol- people thinks that they have abilities to dance but they didn't..
[5] You baked a cake for your boyfriend's birthday to surprise him but in the end you buy the most expensive cake in the world just because you burn out the oven..=p Cover la tuh..
[6]You tell your friends that love is not everything but after 2 months leaving behind dah terkapar kerana Chinta...Nasib kawan x mulut laser=p
[7] You spoke to your love and he accidentally ber 'aku' with you..And her tried to cover it up but of course you realize about it right? Tak pekak la...LOL=p
[8]You drive and there's a car behind you give highlight and even give a damn honk..You move to the left and see inside..It's a Nanny tho! OMG she have a skill!=p
[9] Someone that you know hating you kept making you invisible even you are in front of her but when she needs something for her own good she asked favor from you.. If it was you, are you going to help? I just smile & slam the door...MYOB please=p
[10] You think it was funny...Even if you making some bad jokes and people/friends laughing like no body business...
To makes your life happier or maybe healthier just be calm and smile..Even everything is faked but it is better than you show up a very bad / scary face to other people..
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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