There's a situation today at site..I followed my Plant Manager to figure out what is going on..
Biasala...Jadi supplier..Kena tunjuk muka selalu..
3 lorries from my plant affected the concrete disease..=p
Supplied yesterday and in 1 hour the concrete hardened and when it pumped the concrete hardened just like a rocks.
OMG...I need to study more about this..But how?
Is there any scholarship/fund for me? I really love and have a passion to study everything about concrete..There's a lot of thing that I need to study..
Grrr..When thre's a problem should be a solution for it..
I wish I can futher study at oversea..I wish I can!!
Datuk mana nak sponsor nih...Kena cari nih..=p JK
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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