Tonight is my 1st night watching the World Cup thing...
Paraguay VS Japan
No goal la..Aiyo..They played a bit slow (maybe?) and the result is 0-0
Oh...Just coming back from MidValley; My major intention is pay my Mr Blub bill but Celcom Blue Cube system was freaking breaking down!
Oh...What a wastage....
But I'm having a good time with my housemate; Ina..
Hukumnya adalah sunat muakkadah atau pun sunat yang digalakkan.
Ini berdasarkan daripada hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Muslim yang bermakna : Sesungguhnya matahari dan bulan merupakan dua tanda daripada tanda-tanda (kebesaran) Allah tidak berlaku gerhana pada kedua-duanya kerana kematiaan seseorang dan tidak pula kerana kelahirannya. Maka apabila kamu melihat perkara itu maka sembahyanglah dan berdoalah sehingga kembali terang(hilang gerhana) apa dengan kamu.
Hadis ini keluar daripada mulut Rasulullah s.a.w pada hari kematian anak lelakinya Ibrahim di mana ramai orang mendakwa bahawa kematian Ibrahim inilah yang menyebabkan matahari bersedih sehingga berlakunya gerhana. Mengikut kepercayaan mereka ketika jahiliah di mana apabila berlakunya gerhana matahari atau pun bulan maka mereka beranggapan bahawa berlakunya sesuatu gerhana disebabkan kematian seseorang yang besar dan mulia.
Rasulullah s.a.w telah menyangkal kefahaman karut ini lalu bersabda sebagaimana tersebut. Begitulah juga dengan kebanyakan kita hari ini yang mana mereka bukan bersegera untuk solat gerhana apabila berlakunya sesuatu gerhana tetapi sebaliknya mencari sesuatu untuk memukul pangkal-pangkal pokok buahan supaya berbuah lebat. Perkara ini jika melibatkan kepercayaan yang berlawan dengan kekuasaan Allah dalam membuat sesuatu boleh membawa kepada syirik.
Cara Solat Sunat Gerhana
Solat gerhana ini disunatkan untuk ditunaikan secara berjemaah dengan diseru sebelum mendirikannya : as-Solatu Jaami'ah!! (Solat berjemaah )
Niatnya : "Sahaja aku solat sunat gerhana matahari dua rakaat mengikut imam kerana Allah Ta'ala" - (Jika berimam) ataupun "Sahaja aku solat sunat gerhana matahari dua rakaat kerana Allah Ta'ala" - (Jika solat seorang diri)
Solat gerhana ini boleh dilakukan secara berseorang atau secara berjemaah dan sebaiknya dilakukan secara berjemaah. Solat Gerhana mengandungi 2 rakaat, 4 al-Fatihah, 4 rukuk, dan 4 sujud. Iaitu seperti berikut :
Rakaat pertama
1. Niat solat Gerhana, Takbir
2. Baca Surah Al-Fatihah dan surah
3. Rukuk
4. I'tidal
5. Baca Al-Fatihah dan surah
6. Rukuk.
7. I'tidal.
8. Sujud dan seterusnya seperti solat biasa.
Rakaat kedua
1. Niat solat Gerhana, Takbir.
2. Baca Al-Fatihah dan surah.
3. Rukuk.
4. I'tidal,
5. Baca Al-Fatihah dan surah.
6. Rukuk.
7. I'tidal.
8. Sujud
9. Tahiyyat Akhir
Info dari sini
Oleh itu....renung-renung kan lah...Dan...Selamat Beramal=p
Current lullaby addicted: Parachute by Cheryl Cole
Hai pak...
Macam orang indon plak..
Thanks for everything...I wish you can read this entry...
My father is a very serious person..
He always put us in a strict rules included no watching television in front of him except News at 8pm, no long hair until I was 13 years old..I must be in a clean shirt everytime he fetch me while going back for school holiday..By 5pm no leisure time in house, all my siblings must be playing outdoor games...If anybody going to talk back against him, hurmm...you will see him turn into incredible hulk..
I mean not in a real hulk but normally he will use his belt, or maybe a long stick to punish me..
I knew that I'm the naughtiest daughter at home but now I know I can be a good daughter for them...
Thank you for the lessons and your patient dad!!
Haha..Ok...Thank to Cik Sayor sbb introduce this kind of contest..Please la..I think I'm the winner!~Just Kidding..
That is me...I always in a 'selebet' dressing....As a Site Engineer? They will waste their expensive and blink2 dressing if they make up their mind to dress up very pretty at site...
Pegi site je pon...Pakai lawa-lawa berpeluh je...Bau...People won't see your dressing again while you have a very 'good and powerful' odor=p

Ok...can you see my face there? Seriously no make up after all....Ni bukan edit picture..It is very original recipe from me...
Gosh...Don't you think I look like 40 years old rather thank 24 years old now? I need help!!!=p
Janda?Widow you mean?
You gotta be kidding me...Kahwin pon belom cmna mo jadi janda?Sengal ok
Today is the third day since my Mr Blub leave me, without any telecommunication functions between us...Huh
Well...It's ok then...He trust me..I won't do any 'maksiat' things while he's not around. That's the challenge and the risk of our relationship..
Sometimes I don't like his job but I have to accept that..Bah!
Last night went for a movie; Sex And The City 2..Damn it! OMG best gilerrrrr....
And of course lucah gilerr~~ Nyumm..Bite me!..Haha
All the actor and actress are pretty old...But they really kick my ass through this movie..
Watched it alone and I really have fun...
You guys kena tgk movie ni!! Hurm...18 years old and above only ok?
Samantha is the gross one..YearksssSee ya..
What a life...
Orang-orang tua cakap ; orang tmamak selalu rugi...
Whateva...Sukati la orang nak cakap apo...I sungguh frust!
I saw my ex-lover pic with someone! Gosh.. Tu je pon point dia..
Ok wait..
Is that save to story-morry here? Nanti Blub baca laen jadi..
Damn..I can't hide it..Erm..
He dump me 3 years ago just because his mom doesn't like Sarawakian girl be his girlfriend..
So ulu eyh? Sorry la madam..Memang sengaja nak kutuk kau..
And now I saw his son with ordinary-x cantik-so usual woman...Damn..Seriously pompuan tu memang nampak tua...Dahla x pakai tudung..But maybe she got a good heart?? I dun know...
Whateva...I wish I can upload the picture of them here...But...Takut kena saman pulak...
I'm hot like Kimora Lee, I'm gorgeous like Scarlet Johansson, and I'm strong just like Angelina Jolie...OMG perasan nya aku but hey..Aku frust..
Saya doakan kebahagian mereka...
Ponat den...
Baru sampai KL! Argh....
Jauh rupanya Kuantan...Ingatkn dekat..
Kui kui kui....
KL-Kuantan-Paka-Kuantan-KL....Damn flat!
Kalau sudah cinta katakan la cinta..
Kalau sudah tua katakan la dah tua..
Kalau sudah nyanyuk katakan la dah nyanyuk...
Today's activity:
Tengok wayang alone : Killers...Best giler~~
Makan sushi king alone=p
Then barang belian tertinggal di Sushi King..
I just realized about it pas bayar parking...Pas klua dari Mid Valley...
First thing is = Italiannies?
I thing they have to change the Italiannies to Tomato-nies....=p
Everything is come with a tomato...
Nasib boleh layan...Klu x..Ermm...Muntah..
Actually decided pegi Chili's tapi tertukar fikiran ke Italiannies..We are at The Garden..
My routine with Ina every month...Pleasure yourself with special treat; Facial+Best dining
Hanjing-eer always in a tension mode..
That's the only way to pamper yourself..Dahla kerja 6 days/ week...Damn!
Anyway....It's a lunch time and let the pictures tell the true-love story

The Chili's is still the best...I heart you Italiannies but you can't fight the Chili's=p
Next month lagi yok...
What say you? I know my friends won't be agree with me even I'm asking them another 1000 years...Tu pon kalau idup lg...=p
Ina (my housemate) said that I was similar to Kimora Lee Simmons!
Agreed! Why Kimora related to my bantal busuk things?
Kimora= kejam, xda perasaan, bemulut laser, tapi berhati mulia...
Untuk hidup dengan komuniti lain...With a disgusting look bantal busuk you need to have a strong heart..
Don't think or listen to your people surrounding that I would be confidently seriously hurting my feelings and ask me to throw it away!
That is your love why you can't keep it for the entire of your life??=p
Why? Just imagine you are keeping the decade nicest thing in this world and in the same time you are living with other human in this world..
Kalau idup dengan kucing, anjing, or ayam and itik they won't have a heart to hurt your feelings..
As far as I knew I've been live with my bantal busuk more than 15 years...And now I still in love with it and cannot live without it..
There is no regret keeping up the fabolous and precious thing in my life like it..Fabolous? Sila muntah my friends..Haha
No body is going put two thumbs up to my entry but hey....Jeles apo? Klu nak meh cni cuba..You won't come and see me anymore...=p
And now I'm presenting my lifetime buddy/ bestfriend ever!!!

Click for more info~
About Me
- Ms Coci~
- Limbang, Sarawak, Malaysia
- Love to be a story teller to everybody which consist of myself, me time, me work, me shopping, me feelings and me craziest moment. It was all over here and enjoy it!~~ I can barely keep still the excitement of people surrounding me...
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Kuih Cincin Restock!11 years ago
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