2:09 PM

Leisure time for Si Janda

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Janda?Widow you mean?

You gotta be kidding me...Kahwin pon belom cmna mo jadi janda?Sengal ok


Today is the third day since my Mr Blub leave me, without any telecommunication functions between us...Huh

Well...It's ok then...He trust me..I won't do any 'maksiat' things while he's not around. That's the challenge and the risk of our relationship..

Sometimes I don't like his job but I have to accept that..Bah!

Last night went for a movie; Sex And The City 2..Damn it! OMG best gilerrrrr....

And of course lucah gilerr~~ Nyumm..Bite me!..Haha

All the actor and actress are pretty old...But they really kick my ass through this movie..

Watched it alone and I really have fun...

You guys kena tgk movie ni!! Hurm...18 years old and above only ok?

Samantha is the gross one..Yearksss

See ya..

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