Hai pak...
Macam orang indon plak..
Thanks for everything...I wish you can read this entry...
My father is a very serious person..
He always put us in a strict rules included no watching television in front of him except News at 8pm, no long hair until I was 13 years old..I must be in a clean shirt everytime he fetch me while going back for school holiday..By 5pm no leisure time in house, all my siblings must be playing outdoor games...If anybody going to talk back against him, hurmm...you will see him turn into incredible hulk..
I mean not in a real hulk but normally he will use his belt, or maybe a long stick to punish me..
I knew that I'm the naughtiest daughter at home but now I know I can be a good daughter for them...
Thank you for the lessons and your patient dad!!
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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