What say you? I know my friends won't be agree with me even I'm asking them another 1000 years...Tu pon kalau idup lg...=p
Ina (my housemate) said that I was similar to Kimora Lee Simmons!
Agreed! Why Kimora related to my bantal busuk things?
Kimora= kejam, xda perasaan, bemulut laser, tapi berhati mulia...
Untuk hidup dengan komuniti lain...With a disgusting look bantal busuk you need to have a strong heart..
Don't think or listen to your people surrounding that I would be confidently seriously hurting my feelings and ask me to throw it away!
That is your love why you can't keep it for the entire of your life??=p
Why? Just imagine you are keeping the decade nicest thing in this world and in the same time you are living with other human in this world..
Kalau idup dengan kucing, anjing, or ayam and itik they won't have a heart to hurt your feelings..
As far as I knew I've been live with my bantal busuk more than 15 years...And now I still in love with it and cannot live without it..
There is no regret keeping up the fabolous and precious thing in my life like it..Fabolous? Sila muntah my friends..Haha
No body is going put two thumbs up to my entry but hey....Jeles apo? Klu nak meh cni cuba..You won't come and see me anymore...=p
And now I'm presenting my lifetime buddy/ bestfriend ever!!!
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
3 Drag some ideas:
I halalkan je u nk ber bff dgn si cintaulok yg mmg konfem-xwangi-aku-bleh-pengsan-kalo-ciom tu..skg pon ko dh ckop sengal,kalo xde bantal erkk sarung bantal tu tah meroyan smpai kne msuk wad nti..gagaga~~
ps:siyesly, wpun aromanye *xbleh nk describe* aku mcm lg rela sebilik dgn ko dr sebilik dgn pkcik2 profesional knonnye yg smoking dlm bilik aircond.pfffftt.
Blah la ngan pakcik-smoking-x-sedar-diri tu...
Baik ko simbah minyak tanah kt mulut dia..
KOnfem da x smoking..
sy jak yg than dgn cintaulok ni..penah tsadai ats kpala sy ni tym camping d balok..
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