Hi peeps!
It's a midnight and I think I just want to update a short entry just for my memory for the next 10 years life..
It was nice to had a great friends and siblings around you..(So sad)
I never ask for any special treat for my birthday..Because in my mind I always hope my Blub whose the one that compulsory to celebrate it..I always forgot that there are still exist a nice people around me...
Tonight my sister and my bestfriend (since I was first year at U) Theresa celebrate my birthday at Karaoke..Just nearby my house..Theresa sing a Birthday song (which I totally unexpected that the song exist in the list of that Karaoke) and I felt sad....
Terharu seh...I mean...After 5 years our relationship she still herself..she never changes...she never forget to give me a birthday card like usual we did every year..
I love you much-much-much...
And my sister brought a huge Cheese cake...For God sake...She's being so nice lately..Along with caramel pudding and variety kind of cakes...!
*Sigh* Programme diet adalah tidak menjadi...=p
They are lovely....There are certain people that we can counted for...I'm not looking for a present of course but a thoughtful of mind about the event that I'm counted for...

My birthday cake...It was so rich with cheese man...But I only can bite 1/100 portion..Full!

No boyfriend? You won't die alone...Remember that....You still have other people around you ok?