It's a time for performance bonus and lately I felt humiliated by my own colleague..=(
I think it's my own feeling..Over rated perhaps=p But I think it's real!
I just want to be myself...No bodeks2 please..
I still remember time stadi dulu2...Ada group2 yang kuat bodeks lecturer...Luckily kwn2 I xde yg mcm tu..We always redha with our own faith...Nak exam stadi betol2...Xde g jumpa lecturer korek soalan pe yg klua...
But I think working life environment is totally different from U's life...
I don't know..Is it necessary to bodeks all the bosses? I'm not that kind of person..Please..
Klu kita xnk jadi mcm tu, tapi kita tgk org sekeliling mostly mcm 2...Apa ko xde perasaan??
And it makes me sick man...Rasa mcm x nak p keje la..
Semua nak wat busy...Busy yang xde makna kot? Isk...I don't know..Kind of nak cari keja lain..
I don't know..I need my Blub...ASAP!
Nak kunci dia dalam sangkar...Xnk bg dia g laut pas ni..Teruk nya...hehe
Friends become enemy? Is that ordinary scenario? I think it is.....Hurm...Life getting harder and difficult...I am so exhausted with this life...
I'm giving a thought to become a good housewife but I know he won't let me...Or maybe I'll become a funny kindergarten teacher? Oh....I loike...!
Damn....Empty!Envy is not a healthy feeling...So stop being so sensitive!!
For God sake, what is the easier thing to handle in this life??
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
1 Drag some ideas:
kita yg tak pandai nk bodek..huhu
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