I gedik...Yesh mmg gedik...
Well, today I read Starscope at Star paper...
It states that:
Leo - There will be one or two money problems today!
Sesungguhnya mempercayai horoskop adalah syirik...Ya! Saya tau..Tuhan hanya satu...~
But usually the horoskop in Star always true..I mean there will always related to my daily routine of life!
Whateva..Since Ina & me are in same horoskop, we are truly have money wastage today..
First thing is lunch at ChiliS..Wow...I know! Their food always fattening me..Well, most people really want to live happily and be fulfilled!..
And tadaaa...mmg fulfilled perut tadi...That's why we have such wisely agenda once a month..
Pampered your stomach with luxury food since you are staying in a big city~
Shoot...There's a problem eating at a place like Chilis, Italiannies, Hard Rock Cafe and etc.. Why?
They served alcohol right in their bar? But still have non-alcohol at the same place? So, I ordered ice lemon tea for my drink just now and Mango Juice for Ina..I sipped the drink and taste weird...Then sip again, and again...OMG! It taste alcohol!
Seriously it tasted like alcohol but maybe the light one..I asked Ina to try it, and she feels the same..
Then I asked the waitress; " Why I taste this ice lemon tea so weird? Its like..erm..(xtau nk ckp apa) something add on?"
Waitress: "Let me change for you"
Aik? Terus nak tukar? It's like there's really something happen man!
She come back and asked me to taste the new ice lemon tea...
"Oh..now it taste the real one"
She said: "There will be a problem in our gas..Then it should be mix up with alcohol.."
There you go....Bullshit man!!! Asshol*..
I'm wearing tudung la..Then dia boleh selamba cakap..Dia xtau ke alkohol haram untuk orang Islam??Damn!!!!
Guys! How I'm going to samak this thing? Masuk gasoline dan bakar mulut sendri??Arghh!
No more Chilis at MidValley!
It's a long story..But...Errr Bengang! 7 keturunan aku ada darah alkohol! Damn!
But is there any excuse for this situation? I'm not doing it in purpose!Grr..
Lain topik lain cerita...No. The moral of the stories is; Please beware with your drinks! Fullstop!
I love my new hair...Kind of scared to cut it because my Blub will mad because he never allowed me to cut it but hey he's not here!Lalala...
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
4 Drag some ideas:
so scary.. leh saman nie.. knp x mengamuk jer kt c2.. klu i, msti dah bising kt situ jgk..
gilosss..xbleh nk byg.kalo xsngaje xpe kot. aku almost nk terpegang kasut yg pig lining kt kedai topshop. gilee. aku dh pegang 1, muka aku horror lagi terkejut badak ms bru tnpk sign pig lining. sales girl tu msti tahan gelak smbil geleng2 kepala, nsb baek bukan. bengong, cubela letak sign tu besar2 sket, kt atas. ni letak kt bawah. sje nk suh aku rs mcm nk gesel tgn kt jalan tar kalo tpegang. hahaha
Lizzie-Weh..sengal kol Chilis kat mid tuh..x mo dh pegi..nk ngamok pon mesti malu sndri..dah tau cni ada alcohol nk jgak msuk..
Zera: Weh..Ina pon ada pegang ari tu Pig Lining tuh..Bengong kot dorng nih..hihi
samakkk weyh samakk. haha
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