I've been faithful with Celcom since 5-6 years ago...Damn it
And today they frustrated me again..
I insist to pay for my second account which I currently using the 1+5 plan and I'm the main number..
Check punya check kat online customer service the name written is Mohd Shaiful Bahri Bin dot dot...
Bagi nama bapak kang kena serang plak..
The bill was sent to me few days ago and it states my Blub usage is RM22.50..
But the online bill states he used it RM60.05..
What the hell is going right?Then I give a call to respective customer service..
Initially the guy who pick up said he will check it for me..But that stupid damn guy asked me to listen to the main menu again...Sila tekan 1 untuk tendang kpala ko...Tekan 2 untuk sepak muka ko...Ok Just Kidding...Hot hot!
Then I pressed 0 again...Then the lady sounds not familiar with the problem..Ha....ha?ha?What?Apa dorng ni xtau nak jawab telepon?
Memalukan Celcom la...And to make it worst the lady ask me to give her my PASSWORD..
Oh come on la...What do you think you are? Are you seriously dead working at Celcom? I thought kad kredit je ada ulat penyangak...Suka suki mintak no kad kredit...minta 3 number kat belakang...Damn!
Bongok...What a life...There's no one can be honest to their job?Hah??
Stupid asshole...Ok..mencarut dengan baik...
Dear Celcom...I wish that you can give a training to your respective customer service...There are really annoying!
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
4 Drag some ideas:
tekan 4: bomb customer service celcom. hehe
i wish they have that..trus jadi pelakon predator kita..hehe
Kindly email to careline@celcom.com.my and provide your detail in order to resolve the the issue.
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