How are you?
Fyi, for entire of my life, I never bought a digital camera ever!
Why? It is not because I'm not a camera freak but I put a very high priority to DSLR as my first digital camera!
Which one that I'm dying to have one?
Sbb x brapa terror lagi guna kamera nih, then I think I'll choose the Nikon D3100 first!
Actually nyaris membeli bnda alah ni td..My Blub cannot hear anything about my intention or my desire to have a thing or something that I really want...
Dia mesti nak belikan...Smpai nak gaduh pon ada..Aih..It's not difficult to persuade him to buy anything that you want. As long as you give him the reason why you need that thing..But it's not a right way to live right?
Mcm kna wat proposal/presentation dlu..Then you will get the thing.=p
The price is RM2198..And I can smell this camera now..I think I will get this thing soon=p
Oh..Seriously I'm in love with DSLR...Anyone with me?
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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