I'm writing a blog but only me as the owner can read it..At least for now.
Since ada org nk pandai2 komplen + meroyan kat blog ni then I have no choice.
Private kan aja...So what?
I'm here to update my wedding thingy..
My wedding invitation card is ready to be distributed..
Tapi rasa nya masih awal kot nk heboh kan?Haha
Biarlah rahsia..
Tema kahwin pon ada mcm2 kaler...Baju biru, silver...Pelamin warna gold...Then langsir umah Blub wana dark blue + gold..Khemah hitam putih..
Hehe...We are 1 Malaysia...Sapa kisah 1 warna?
It is nice to hold my own wedding card..
I cannot believe it I'm going to change my status soon...Kind of scary! But really can't wait for it!=p
So..everything is ready so far...Baju kahwin, nikah..The only left for now is my preparation for Sarawak's solemnization..
Bilik pengantin pon kosong lg...Plus pelamin x ambik lg..Haih..
Next week my Blub will fly to Bintulu...I really hope he can finish his project before our wedding..
If not...Who's going to married me?Hehe..
By the way we're still not decided where to stay after married..I really hope I'll be transfered to somewhere else!
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
1 Drag some ideas:
nak kadddddd!
ko xnk sponsor kami jd bridesmaid ko ke? hehehe
weh, jom ar meronggeng ngn kteorng plak seblum ko jd mak dara..
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